Thursday, February 5, 2009

New life begin ~~~

finally come back from having chinese new year at my lovely hometown...
Im goin back for 15days, wow quite a long holiday for this chinese new year celebration~~~
erm, very enjoy, happy, & satisfied as well .... :)
for information, i gain weight a lotssssss ..... aduh, at least 3-5kg in 2weeks time ....
we also organise a party for our primary six classmates to reunion...

2nd rows from left: siew sieng, ee li, lee mei, fedelis, e ping, lang xiang, qi mei.

1st row from left: sue ping, andrew (me), kong kung, siew, teng, tze hui, ah sing, ji you (black t-shirt in front)

is me
this is teng

Guess who am i ????

Im teng mui neh's son, ah Teng

yesterday departure from sibu at 9.25am, and arrived to KL airport round 11.25am.....
New life begin,
Busy life coming,
and many thing is waiting me to settle down n achieve it....
after come back from a long holiday, a big lump sum of projects, assignment n midterm are coming all together. And especially all notes are messy ...... arrrrr, i need to settle down everything as soon as possible ~~~

wish everything can go smoothly as i wish ~~~~~~~
God bless me ......

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Start from ZERO --> Become the HERO !!

After struggle for almost 2 months, finally I prove it can work. But, I will still keep on strive for it. I just simply spent my free time to do it. For me, teamwork is always the best. Its duplicate more leaders, power, time, and money so on.

Here, I hope everyone in my team can earn as much in this year of 2009!!
Bro n Sis, I wish all of you have a prosperous year of 2009!!
As long as u eager to success and keep action towards goals, I promise be with u along the road to success. GoGoGo ~~~ Never, never, and never give up.

Start from Zero, Become the Hero.

Be the best, be the Champion.

Learn from Zero, become the Hero


人常常不肯認錯,凡事都說是別人的錯, 認為自己才是對的,其實不認錯就是一個錯。 認錯的對象可以是父母、朋友、社會大眾、佛菩薩, 甚至向兒女或是對我不好的人認錯, 自己不但不會少了什麼,反而顯得你有度量。 學習認錯是美好的,是一個大修行。


人的牙齒是硬的,舌頭是軟的,到了人生的最後, 牙齒都掉光了,舌頭卻不會掉,所以要柔軟, 人生才能長久,硬反而吃虧。 心地柔軟了,是修行最大的進步。 一般形容執著的人說,你的心、你的性格很冷、很硬, 像鋼鐵一樣。 如果我們像禪門說的調息、調身、調心, 慢慢調伏像野馬、像猴子的這顆心,令它柔軟, 人生才能活得更快樂、更長久。


這世間就是忍一口氣,風平浪靜,退一步海闊天空; 忍,萬事都能消除。忍就是會處理、會化解, 用智慧、能力讓大事化小、小事化無。 各位要生活、要生存、要生命,有了忍, 可以認清世間的好壞、善惡、是非,甚至接受它。


缺乏溝通,就會產生是非、爭執與誤會。 現在中國大陸、香港和台灣, 兩岸三地最重要的就是溝通, 相互了解、相互體諒、相互幫助, 大家都是龍兄虎弟,互相爭執、不溝通怎麼能和平呢?


人生像一只皮箱,需要用的時候提起, 不用的時就把它放下,應放下的時候,卻不放下, 就像拖著沉重的行李,無法自在。 人生的歲月有限,認錯、尊重、包容才能讓人接受, 放下才自在啊!


我們看到人家得好處,要歡喜; 看到好人好事,要能感動。 感動是一個愛心、菩薩心、菩提心, 在我幾十年的歲月裡,有許多事情、語言感動了我, 所以我也很努力的想辦法讓別人感動。


為了生存,我要維護身體健康, 身體健康不但對自己有利,也讓朋友、家人放心, 所以也是孝親的行為